I'm rotting in tha house right now na na....
The stomache has start jamming right now na na...
But it's only 5 right now na na....
Shubli's family had moved to his sister's house. That means no ' Ayam Merah ' from Cik Milah again. SobSob.
Ohya, Kallista's grandmum passed away during the day of puasa before sahur.
Tolong la sederkahkan Al-Fatihah kepadanya. Alhamdullillah.
Thinking about going to madrasah tomorrow because Mubarak says we're going to paint that place if we came. So I thought about it, no need to go uh.
Malam terawih nk jumpa mana oi?? Sun pa? Macam last year jugak, haha.
Lepas smbhyg.... Bunga api ke... Rocket ke pon cantik.