Sunday, May 31, 2009
Kay, yesterday slack with them first we play monkey.
Then we play ali pom.
Then we went to street soccer court and they play soccer in the heavy rain.
Erlyna asked to meet, she came with Dan-pal, Jan , Edil.
Slack near my block. Let skip this part.
Then go to sunpla, slack2 , they took pictures.
Sent Erlyna home and Dan sent Jan home.
Waited for Dan at central. Such a slowpoke.
Then slack awhile when we reached tamp.
Got home at 11, bye !
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Met Erlyna yest at Endra's block. Then slack near sunpla with the Satriyas.
Then 6.45 went to ml to meet friends to go to azri's place at Pasir Ris.
Janiah mati2 kate aku mengamok ngan Erlyna sbb die tk nk ikut. -.-
Die da tknk ikut tkkn nk paksa kn Jan.
Last2 Janiah ngan Danpal teman Erlyna go to Pasir Ris to meet me.
Kay then slackslack,
Faiz plak uat hal, nak blek cpt tapi tkda duit bus....
Nasib Iskandar ada spare.
Walk2 to take bus 81.
Then after a few stops, danpal msok.
He looks moody and then he said that he got a fight with Janiah.
Gaduh lagy boi...
Gy tukar perangai boi...
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Went home from school at 8 30.
This painful stomachache was bothering me, so decided to go home.
Called daddy to fetch me from school.
Once reached home, ate pills to get rid of stomachache.
Then I ate my bread with peanut butter.
Slept at my sofa in my room.
And I'm here blogging.
Meeting friends later.
However, I'll be home before night falls, I hope so.
Monday, May 18, 2009
MommyI may have disappoint you this Mid Year Examinations.
I vowed my self to study harder for my prelim and N level examinationsYesterday, slack with friends including
Erlyna pendekhaha.
Bye !
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I don't know why, but I feel that math paper 2 is way easier than paper 1.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Asking for SanDisk Memory Stick Pro Duo for my psp at bedok, when I noticed this familiar pink camera.
Sanyo, 7.1 mega pixel. It is my lost cam.
The thief must had sold it there and I'm going to buy it back.
Went CS to buy SanDisk MS, last time check $30.
So I brought $30 exact, got to know the price now had gone up by $2.
This is the flower that me and sis bought it for Mommy on Mother's Day.
See how sweet we are.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Today, I'm gonna be a maid to a 17 going 18 years old girl.
Everyone's out later, and my mother said to come back at 10 if I go out later.
Then my sister said she wants me to take care of her because she is sick. -.-
Skali skala jadi maid.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Semalam kendarat.
Very relaxing, unlike ******'s one.
This marriage ceremony is organized by Faiz's mother, i think so.
End at 10+.
Waited for Faiz's mother to take money for us and went home with money and food.
Reached home at 11:30.
The food that I brought is finished that very night.
Klau ****** nye, tong sampah jer yg kenyang.
I've have to get goin, 1:30 to meet and I'm still here.
Kau blom tahu saper boi eh.
haha, bye.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Went back at 11 from shopping with Nawawi.
It turns out to be great and now I'm sleepy, bye !
Azid - Hsu
/- max 15 letters. (keep it short) ->