Monday, March 30, 2009
School was a bore.
After school best.
Lepak awhile with Mus Mahathir Alep.
Btw bukan kawan baru, sorry sikit tak tau pape tutup je mulut jgn nk commentcomment.
Balik cepat sikit, konon nya ada plan ngan Syafiq Ally nk skate, dpt tau kte dua jer turun.
Tak jadi.
Kol Azri lepak.
Turun ngan skateboard.
Lastlast main takraw.
Went home quite late, for me.
And now I'm here posting and my bed is calling me.
Haha. It miss me.
Bubbye folks
Labels: Bored
Saturday, March 28, 2009
About today and earlier on.
Today never go to pit.
That pit is so marvelous,
Niari mendaki pon ibe kasi ton smlm.
I love you mum.
Went there with Mus, Endra and Wan by bus.
Slept there awhile.
Met some of them there and eat.
Lepak main guitar chit chat.
Then the others come at night zhafri and the Sat-Satriyas came.
Then they gt one part lawan poem. Satriyas satu side 43 satu side.
After that, chill....
Then guessed what?
Kita tgok Bapok beb.
Nampak jer lawa, skali drg da bbl...
Then head back to our pit.
My head starts to feel heavy.
Reached there, slept at Shafiee's tent.
Tidur tk lena.
Dorang main volleyball pe bising.
They woke me up by shaking the tent.
Pantat. I've set the alarm to ring at 4.40. Still Could not wake up. But I was woken up by the satriyas by shaking the tent. Thnks eh.
At 5:11 am
Iszy: Oi ! Kau tknk balek?
Me:(Looked at the timing at hp), lek ar bru bkul brape.
The others shake hand then go off.
Wanted to get back to sleep. But it seems that after they shook the tent, suddenly got a lot of ants.
Drinks water.
Went to the toilet.
Then off to home.
Went to Changi inter great timing.
First bus at 5:50, I got there by 5:42.
After about 3 stops, saw the satriyas again, haha.
Buat penat jer korang jalan dari sana cepatcepat.
And now I'm at home.
Home sweet home.
Not too much picture taken.
Only three

Btw I made that Pyramid.
Rizal ngan Zhafri kt gmbr pyramid tumpang glamour jer haha, joking man.
Thnks to Zhafir for taking picture for zhafri and me.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Cikgu Omar always aim me..
Did not attend assembly, ran around the field 1 round while carrying the medicine ball.
It was very tiring.
So today, Cikgu Omar says that the back of my hair is long, and it is not even touching my school's collar.
I was so upset that I had to do my DnT thingy at the workshop ALONE.
Because most of the student had not finished up their drawings of the model.
And that Tuesday had the 4 periods of DnT. And I'm alone.
OUT OF THE BLUE, Adam came.However go back down at level1 so Mr Ajiz could cut the material for him. FCUK.
Followed by Nicholas. He also went down back. And I'm alone with I think the sec 2H and 1E.
Shit la. They all short pants and some of the guys are taller than me, haha. And I had been using the long pants for 2 years... WTF.
And btw, I've got to know that Syakirah gets 10 bucks weekly because father allow her to go to Mama shop to buy chocs and sweets. I only get $1 when Im in primary school, 50c for rice and 50c for water and Syakirah only 5 years old. What the hell, I start to get 10 bucks weekly when I've reached the age of 13.
Serve her right when she got sick.
She cried something like this ' Huuuuuuu saaakkiiitt peeeeruuut, huuuuuuu naaakk gii keeedaai maamaa huuuu'
Argh,da saket pon nk gi kedai mama. Felt like slapping her face.
Yeah this coming pit aku tk ton eh korang.
Besok nyer ada Mendaki, haha.
Sorry eh.
Aku try balek last bus haha, bye anonymous readers.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Not to worry so much.
I don't think this chest pain problems will last long.
Just now I ate and the chest pain strikes again.
However lasted for 5 seconds.
So not to worry.
Trying to have healthy diet now.
Bye folks.
First of all, I want to apologize to all off you for what I did wrong.
Occasionally, I go through a chest pain after eating eg. rice
So I checked out the internet what is happening to me and this best describe what I've gone through.
"A pneumothorax is an important cause of chest pain. It occurs when air perforates the outer surface of the lung forcing ambient air into the chest cavity. When this happens, the victim suffers chest pain followed by collapse of the perforated lung and shortness of breath. Usually the pain is in the lateral chest rather than the center of the chest, and it may be aggravated by breathing. The diagnosis of pneumothorax can readily be made with a chest x-ray. It also may be identified on physical examination, if the doctor takes the trouble to listen to both lungs."
I think so.
this one,
Mediastinal emphysema
refers to the presence of air in the central portion of the chest cavity that contains the heart. Because the air may create pressure and stretching of the structures and nerves within the mediastinum, severe chest pain may result. In addition, because the stretched nerves involve the same nerve roots as the nerves coming from the heart, it may be very similar to cardiac pain. Usually the pain is more superficial and tends to be modified by respiration and body position. This disorder can be diagnosed by a chest x-ray.
This really scares the hell out of me.
And I really hope that nothing is wrong with me.
Labels: Please God..
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
About 15 March
Monday, March 16, 2009
Din tk online tkle sent gmbr.
Will be updating about saturday, sunday and today, the next day.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Today will be a big day for me and friends.
Listing out what happens Saturday and today tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I had finished watching two movies online.

His name is Rorschach.
My favourite.
Yet, he died at the end.
Next is Legend of Chun Li.
It is fun. Too bad Ryu not there.
There maybe possibilities that there is a continue story of this.
Want to know why?
Watch the movie and you will know at the end of the show.
Yet to watch Dragonball Evolution.
Haha, bye.
Sunday 080309.
Went madrasah,
then went home and took a short nap.
Woke up, bath and get ready to go to GIANT.
Went there by Shutter Bus.
Craps throughout the journey.
Back to Tampines and went to play Sepak Takraw. Here are some pictures.

Monday 090309.
The day that I knew I passed my English for the first time in my Secondary Life.
Great huh?
Nothing much happened yesterday, I guess so. Oh ya, Mom gave me 10 bucks because I had passed my English. HAHA !
Tuesday 100309.
Woke up late so mom send me to school.
Nothing really happened today.
Watched Roswell during English lessons.
Slept for the last period.
I've wasted 3 period on Chemistry.
After school, went home with Mahathir and Musthafa.
And now I'm waiting the Watchmen video to buffer till full.
And I want to watch Dragon Ball Evolution.
Confirm Combined Humanities fail.
I ate so much.
I had only gained 1kg.
Can anyone else help me on what to eat?
Friday, March 6, 2009
Drum and Bass
In school,
got my Math Common Test Result.
I was so eager man.
Look at the result and YAHOO.
Got 41/50 haha.
previous was 38 or 37.
Can't remember.
But teacher said there is a possibility that they would minus 3 - 10 marks..
because we were retest lyke a bit same question as the previous so it is not fair for the rest of NA class.
boring... I suck at Humanities.
I won't be shocked if I failed the subject.
I aim for English,Math,Combined Science,Mother Tongue and Design And Technology.
After prayers, went to TM to get some cold air...
And yeah some of my friend knew what happened there, no need to tell here. Haha
Hope that it will not rain.
Bubbye !
I wanna skate, pleaseeee God.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
In School
School was okay,
For chemistry lessons,
I slept for the whole 2 periods.
During math, there was a retake of Common Test.
Damn easy, I hope I score better than the previous one.
Okay my chemistry I've got 3rd in my chemistry class.
I hope it is 3rd for the whole NA. Haha.
Told sis about it.
She asked if I had told mom or not.
I replied no, because she won't be satisfied anyway.
Then she told mom.
Mom said '3rd jer? Orang 1st.'
So sis said that I'm right about it.
I hope about 5th and below, haha because there is an A math student in my class, Farhan.
And a clever boy, Nasrun, i think so.
So thats for now.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
What the fuck wrong with me.
I'm confuse.
K enough with the sentimental things.
Go to imeem and search for 'fuck emo by cheapsex' i think so.
After school, slack with Alep,Mus and Mahathir.
Then go home.
Bath, and play psp.
Now I'm typing this very super duper paper piper takper pepper aper upper pamper blog. :D
You won't need a friend like me.
Labels: I hate everything about you, why do .......?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Long Time
Long time I've not been slacking with them, the 43.
At last... Went to inter, to top up ezlink,
Out of the blue, Rais called,
Rais : Kau nk gy mane
Azid : Gy inter, nk top up ez-link, asl eh
Rais : ouhk, kau tgok blakang kau
I turned around and saw them, very far . I cannot see them. Then I pretend to see.
Azid : ya ya.
Rais : pape nnt tron, mlm.
Azid : okay bubbye.
During the top up process,
Let the one who is doin the ezlink be X
X : How much did you gave me?
Azid : two seventy five.
I thought about it awhile, okay that means $2.75, then i said
Azid : umm, $275.
I became blank. Luckily she did not hear. Then..
Azid : oh no,$27.50.
So dumbdumb.
After that, I went to fie house.
After about 20 min there, Fie,Wawan and me proceed to blok 440.
Rais book a wrong number of pit, shit. Far away from toilet and the place would be very dark at night.
Planned to change pit number, but too bad.
Slack2 then go home.
Watched 'Just My Luck' at TV 2.

Focus on my eye - Left small, Right big. I've got no idea why.
Me and Rais
Monday, March 2, 2009
That Day
Today in school, nothing much happened except assembly.
Our class were told to stay back for awhile because of the cheating case during Math CT.
And the innocent like me and the others had to retake the test because of this few boys.
Then Mr Omar called the boys and talk to them, the others were told to leave.
Called Mus, went to the block behind BK to meet him.
Settle down there for awhile and then went home by bus 293.
I slept at the bus. At interchange, where people were alighting from the bus,
I woke up suddenly. My body shake wildly. I don't know why. Maybe because of my dream.
I dreamt about people having riot or fight.
And then I was awoken by my hp. Nawawi called because I called him earlier and he did not answer it. My body shake again. However, not that wild like the previous one. Alight from the bus, Mus and me went our separate ways. And now I'm typing this boring blog.
Azid - Hsu
/- max 15 letters. (keep it short) ->