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Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's Been Awhile
It's Been Awhile since I updated this blog,

so for mendaki,
English is okay,
Math is totally boring..
The math teacher always spot me getting into sleep,
because..... I'm sitting infront.
Cannot sleep,
had stomachache, I think because of Mango with basil seeds.
After that, walk to bus stop 8... meanwhile...

Me : Tenderbest ada toilet?
Syafiq : Ade..
Me : Bersih?
Syafiq : Bersih.
Me : Krg tgu jap eh...

Pegy toilet jer, SAAAAAPPPPPPPP
Tgh nk kluar toilet Shahir kol.
Tk sabar2,
Went to BT to see them then go to bus stop 8,
Shahir laughed silently bcoz there is a girl, badan bongkok.
Walk walk, at the bus stop Syafiq kacau2 org.

Me : Kau ketawa2,nnt org ketawa kn kau tau
Syafiq : Ape sia...
Me : Kau tgok jer
Syafiq : Tkmo nk mepek.

He look arond his body and he spot a sticker 'Tenants blahblahblah"
I put it at Syafiq back earlier,
and he didn't noticed,

Went home, and sleep.
Woke up and eat.
AND here I am updating my blog with my school's long pant.
No plan today, FUCK !


Saturday, February 21, 2009

For Today
Today, nothing much had happened.

The teachers wanted to split the classes. So they called up the names who were required to change the classes. So this is how it goes "...... Syafiq, and Shahir". 'And?' What the fuck? They are the only one who I can talk with during Mendaki time and we were being split for the rest of the lessons. Okay thats about it.

Skate with Syafiq and Shahir at festival park.It was my first time slacking and skating with them, so I felt a little akward. Their friends were with them. I think that their friends thought I'm a begginner. Asked for sk a lot of time. Confident rabak! I'm getting tired of it. I kept winning, haha. Theres no challenge, decided to play2 with them, and I still won.

Then from 7pm to 9pm, talk2 with the twins. At 9pm,we went our seperate ways. Called Zul, however Din(Diana) answered it. They were at 440. Met them and then went outside Din's house. Lay down at a mat and sat on it. Din brought food for us, very fortunate for me because I'm hungry. Ate and surprisingly,I'm bloated even i ate a small amount of the food. Then Father called, "Cepat balek,nk kluar ni" Go out? Where? Then Mommy message, "Ayah nak ajak makan" Went home, bath. Then I felt lazy to go out. However, Father insisted to. Pause blogging, and went out. Came back then used this computer again to complete this blog till now then.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Eh Come On Lah Eh
I seriously don't get it.
What exactly would you get hitting people for no apparent reason.
What exactly would you get if you talk behind people's back.
What exactly would you get for hating a person for no apparent reason.
I don't get the point.
Eh come on la...

Last Saturday, 14.02.09, Adam asked me to slack somehow, at there he wanna act powerful. First, he punched Yat, then Yat punched him back, and suddenly he punched me on my left arm. Then i said '' heavy per". Suddenly Adam said " Eh kimak die tumbuk kau diri,aku pon ar", he stands then punched me. After that he said " Saper nyer lagi heavy", malas nak layan nyer pasal, aku ckp dua-dua heavy. Mepek, ajak turon abe die pukul2 orang,mepek kire mane pe mane ar nie...
I prefer NT students to NA students.

BUDAK 43 Jugak !

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Today And The Last Saturday's Snake

BTW... remember the snake that I mentioned at my previous post? Not very clear, but you get the picture right? Snake in a Coca Cola Bottle

So today, my friends ask me whether I want to follow them to cycle [again?].
They said cycle from Tampines to Changi,then to East Coast,then to Tampines.
I reject, nnt cnfrm blek lmbt lagi,leceh.
Hari2 da kene bgn pagi. Nnt tk cukop tdo lagi.
Then I decided to slack with school friends today. Adam is the one who told me to slack.
So okay, because I would be at home all day. K bubbye, I'm going out

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Past

Last Saturday, 07.02.09,went cycling with my friends.
From Tampines to Bedok,to East Coast,to Changi and then back to Tamp.
It was okay.
I did not feel tired.
Expected to get a mountain bike from a friend,
However,I got a peyo-peyo. My friends were like ' Peyo-peyo sesat kt east coast. Summarising the story, at Tamp, Farid stole a bike, mulot aku masin, da kate basikal curi sway,btol2 sway,tyre bocor, drg curi lagi tyre tapi pancit. HAHA,gy pump da tu gy Bedok. Nothing much happened at Bedok.At East Coast, went to mac for a quick lunch. Then headed to one pondok, talk talk, some dancing the techno,trance and tektonik, I'm not one of them.After this bridge, I saw a snake in the middle of the dark,spent 20mins to catch this little snake and put it in coca cola 1.5littre bottle. Then headed to Changi. There is this one staright but a long road. My friends were like 'bile mau smpi'. Zakwan is sick. Aizad told me to throw the snake,suspecting there is something that follows us. Open the bottle cap swing it to the side.after reaching the end of the road, I looked at the mark,7420m,which mean 7.4 KM ! Went to Changi,then slack. After that we headed to Tampines. Sya was unfortunate,had an accident which causes her arms some injuries. She can's move her arms. After reaching Tamp at 1+ in the morning,sent Sya home. Then went to Fie house,slept there until 6.41. Alarm clock 6.00 bgn kul 6.41,baek skali ! Balik,tdo mcm tk tau.

Today, go to school like normal. The boys wanna played 'run from me'. I don't care. So went home alone lyke usual. Abe skrg nk skate bye!

Monday, February 9, 2009

A New One
Hello :D
Just made a new blog.
So still a newbie.
Nevermind, I don't care.
Will be okay with this someday,later.
Bubbye !


Azid - Hsu